Who is Edwin Jardin?
CEO and Founder
Edwin Jardin is a high-impact digital marketing expert with deep experience in developing strategies to help businesses reach their goals. His clients come from around the world and include some of today's biggest brands - bringing in his clients from all around the world with a combined annual revenue worth $70 million dollars.
Growth Mindset
I disagree with the common belief that having a noble business concept and a fantastic product or service is necessary for a company's success. When you want to build your business, having a fantastic product or service is not enough. You need a compelling marketing hook and brand story to excite consumers about the products and services YOU offer. Then you must create an irresistible offer that your customers cannot refuse.
Whether it's a clothing brand, a jewelry store, software or something else different, if you do these things perfectly they will do wonders for your company's growth; if all businesses execute their marketing campaigns correctly, they should all be successful.